David Priestman spontaneously came over from Hull and helped installing for a whole week. Thanks for your knowledge and ideas - it is a pleasure to work with you!
Benno Hungerbühler, a big thank you for carefully cutting/adjusting the 'Seascape' video - and this in the middle of the final edits to your own documentary, La Troisième Langue (!).
Roland Bitterli provided and installed the metal carrier, the (invisible) backbone for the projection screen and partition wall.
Jolanda Schaad and Stefan Weigert, thanks for your precious help on the final stretch before the opening.
Grateful to Gaye and Jörg Detmold, to Stefan's parents, Simon Mugier and Salare Kordy for helping with transport and much more.
Christoph and Marécar provided a home away from home for three islanders during the installation period.
Thank you to Walter Kugler for his thoughts and introductory words about my work at the opening, including a poem by Hull's Philip Larkin.
And last but not least, ddeimann, curator, thank you for seeing one of my airy pieces in Berlin and for being curious enough to set all this into motion!